A couple of weeks ago, I got it into my head to try entremets, the showstopper challenge from Series 5, Episode 9 of The Great British Bake Off . The challenge was to make 24 total entremets, 12 each of two different types. A visiting friend and I were going to make one type, and my friend Caitlin, two time zones away, was going to develop her own recipe for another type. We coordinated enough to make sure we wouldn’t have too-similar entremets, but each developed our own recipes. The results were amusingly disastrous for all of us. Caitlin’s camping-inspired s’mores entremets, which she assures me were delicious, frankly looked like bulging piles of brown stuff. My own orange, mango, and lychee entremets were thoroughly unappetizing and visually unappealing. The whipped cream broke in my mango mousse, and it ended up looking like mango-infused spit-up (I know; I have a mango-loving baby). Outside of the visuals ruining the experience, the mango overpowered the or...
Jessica tackles challenges from the popular show "The Great British Bake Off"